b.loftin2's skateboarding journal

Reducing the burden and the Small Arts

So, I’m getting rid of most of my skateboarding gear. Seriously. This is happening.

I have too much shit. It is overwhelming and stupid. In particular I have too many decks. Too many of every sort of deck. I have too many longboard setups. Hell, I never even ride a longboard anymore.

I’m going to keep one of each of these setups: freestyle board, street board, longboard. I’m keeping my hoard pile of wheels (which I will use for sure). I’m keeping my trucks because it is nice to have different size trucks available. But I’m getting rid of the rest of my longboards, the extra and old freestyle and street decks, etc. I think I will keep my two big Alva boards. That’s about it.

Having so much stuff is just dumb. My garage if full of it. It is encumbering both physically and emotionally. I actually think it contributes to my NOT skating much. It is that much of a mental burden.

I may not even keep a longboard. I feel like I usually have three main riders: a FS board, a regular street board that’s 8.25" wide, and a wider street board. Those are what I ride. The rest of the shit is just mental and physical clutter.

On another topic…

My friend Chris Battle wrote this: thelonesentry.micro.blog/2023/04/2…

I know what you mean, my friend. As one of the two people who coined the term “the Small Arts,” I feel your pain. You see, in addition to the mental inertia my garage full of skate shit causes, I think the daily onslaught of skate videos on multiple platforms has made me BORED with skating. I don’t think I can watch much more. I’ll watch my friends clips, but really, I don’t want to see so much from other people any more. I celebrate their skating (“they” meaning other people), but it is all just too much. All too much, and all so much the same. And I think that being bored with other people’s skating as seen on video has led to and overall tiredness with skating in general, even my own.

So while I am reducing the mountain of skateboard gear to a small patch of rubble, I think I need to tune out from the multiple other streams of skateboarding data that have been fed into my limited consciousness every day now, for years.

Back to the very, very, very basics for me.