b.loftin2's skateboarding journal

A blast from the past, again

Another clip from the same session as before, back in 2015. Just a couple of tricks. As noted many times, for me street skating involves a lot of freestyle. I just tend to mix curbs and banks in with it, and ride a bigger board with looser trucks. I would call it “just skateboarding.”

This was a good setup. 8.25" Mode pops deck, Indy 136s, 1 thin riser under each truck (I think), and some 56mm OJ wheels. Those wheels had a wider contact patch than the wheels I use now, so the narrower trucks worked alright. I have to say that my spins are a lot faster on the narrower Indy 136 trucks then they are on 149s. There’s a reason high-number spinners use narrow trucks.