b.loftin2's skateboarding journal

my stuff

This is typically what I bring with me when I go skate. Like a lot of skateboarders these days I enjoy using my phone to shoot video. It’s nice to be able to share clips with friends in other cities and states as well as those around the world. It’s also nice to be able to study video when I’m trying to learn or improve a trick. So here we have my tripod, my big red Bluetooth speaker, my iPod for music, my old camcorder bag (full of parts, and sunscreen, and water) and my board.

I’ve been skating this spot on the east side of the public library for many years. In the next year or two this entire complex is going to be rebuilt. I have no idea if there will be a suitable place to skate here anymore. That’s just the nature of skate spots. We use them but we don’t own them. Usually. You enjoy them while they last, and mourn them when they’re gone.