b.loftin2's skateboarding journal

Early Pandemic Skating

In an earlier post I talked about my early pandemic skating. This is some footage I think I got from some Twitch streams I did to connect with friends who were also isolated in their skating. Hence the low quality. Fall 2020. This is the parking lot by city hall where I live.

At the time not only were we heading into the worst part of the pandemic, but my wife was undergoing cancer treatment (she is fine now, but it was a scary and horrible time). These skate sessions kept me sane.

Nothing to special skate-wise here. Just me flowing around.

I love Fall in North Texas. My favorite part of the year. Hoody weather. Look at that sky.

Note: you may have noticed I host my videos on Vimeo. I do have a youtube account, but I think Vimeo has better quality, and when I go to Vimeo I am not assaulted by stupid youtuber videos and ads. It is worth the money to me to get a pay account.