b.loftin2's skateboarding journal

Finished reading 2023: Howling Stones by Alan Dean Foster 📚

I got some skating in today.

Bluesky - meh...

I set up my science fiction blog (bloftin2sf.blog) to cross-post to Bluesky.

If I make a short microblog entry from my iphone it works. Short or long entries from my computer do not show up on bluesky at all. Wondering if long posts or podcasts from my phone will show up. Since microblog rules, I assume that bluesky isn’t fully fediverse-friendly. Very little chance I’ll continue to use something that will not work with micro.blog. I’ll give them some time to get their shit together.

Weird thing. It was impossible to get my cover image to scale properly on bluesky from their web interface. Worked properly only from their app on my phone. That’s weak. Again - not impressed.

We’ll see how this goes, but either federate or don’t.

Podcast Episode 60: My Cat

In the short episode, I talk about having a 14-year-old cat.

Podcast Episode 59: Dead Old Legs

Just checking in right quick. Putting a new freestyle board together tonight. I just want to skate.

Podcast Episode 56: I Skated, And I’m Fat

Just a quick check in about skating at a Skate Park yesterday and seeing how fat I am on video. Things have got to change.

Podcast Episode 55: Checking In After Vacation

My wife and I were on vacation in Ireland for the last two weeks. I’m back. Just checking in.

I’ve been in Dublin, Ireland for the last 11 days on vacation. Beautiful city, wonderful people. Beautiful country. Going home tomorrow. Home is always home. Can’t wait to see our cat and dog again. I miss them.

In Dublin, Ireland.

Ireland 3fe in Dublin, Ireland

Riley after beauty shop.

Sheltie dog

Podcast Episode 54: Skateboarding Is Important

In this episode, I just check in and thank Lew and Luke for the nice things they said about me on their podcast.

Podcast Episode 53: Wheels

In the short episode, I talk a little bit about skateboard wheels.

Riley helped me celebrate my 59th birthday the other day.

Shetland sheepdog image

Podcast Episode 51: Skateboarding.

Just a quick check in and some blabbering about skateboarding.

Podcast Episode 51: To Celebrate One’s Self?

In this episode, I talk about the bones brigade, and apparently they’re doing some kind of celebration of the bones brigade. And I talk about reading, which is actually a lot better.

I’ve noticed that lot of decisions I make these days regarding how I respond to things, if I respond to them, or whether I want to do something or be involved with something are made through the lens of one question…

Do I want to be that guy?

Working from home today.

Me and my cat

Finally got out to skate this afternoon.

Not gonna lie. It was rough. I’m in horrible condition. It was still hot - about 90 F - but was manageable. Felt GREAT to be back on the board. I could feel the depression melting away.

Back on the board from Bob Loftin on Vimeo.

Podcast Episode 50: Youtubers, Skateboarding, And The Chameleons

In this episode, I blabber about Youtubers and other stuff.

Podcast Episode 49: Losing A Friend, Getting A Board, And Vacation

In this episode I talk about losing a good skateboarding friend recently, and talk a little bit about a board that I’m putting together and some other stuff. 🎙️

Substack Exploration

I’ve been exploring Substack just to see who is producing good content but too dumb to have their own domain name.

It is astonishing how many people think you should be paying to read their writing. I don’t blame anyone for trying to make an honest buck, but man, there are just so many people doing this.

Podcast Episode 48: A Trip To Houston

Just a quick report on my weekend trip to a funeral in Houston. Doesn’t that sound uplifting? It wasn’t a bad trip. 🎙️

1 year old

Our boy Riley turned 1 a couple of days ago. 🐕

sheltie dogsheltie dog

Work from home day = best day ever, every time, for Lefty.

me and my cat, Lefty


It is hard to be a skateboarder in Texas in the summer. Even though our politics here are crazy there are some positives about living here, but as I get older and the days ahead of me for skating become fewer, this is becoming more of a deal-breaker.

But where to go? I’m sure I’ll just continue to suffer and complain.